If I don’t get back to the gym soon, and work out like I used to, I’m going to blow up like a toad. I made the decision to write in the morning instead of working out while I finished the first draft of my manuscript. I thought I’d just reverse the order of things and I’d work out at night, only it didn’t happen. Instead, I just kept working until nine at night. I am paying for it now. The best I can do is weights, yoga and maybe Pilates. Guilt sets in, and then I realize time is running out. I have four weeks left to finish the manuscript and work on an agent pitch. I’ve been eating two meals a day. So, somebody please tell me how I managed to gain weight. Maybe sitting all day has something to do with it. All I know is the debris encircling my waist isn’t from space junk piling up.
Speaking of which, it seems that the amount of space debris orbiting the Earth has grown significantly since the mid-1960’s. Stuff like paint chips, rocket parts and other flotsam and George jetson are orbiting around us, and threaten to interfere with a host of things such as ramming into space stations, for one. Our Air Force is working on a solution to warn satellite operators when to expect an impending crash. Seems we’ve made the junk, and now it’s after us. Can’t say as I blame it.  If you ask me, which you haven’t, I have a good solution. If Congress won’t agree to term limits, the only other option we give them is to accept future terms orbiting the earth and knocking space debris out of the way at speeds of thousands of miles per hour. This will kill two birds with one stone, and Lord
knows, they’ll be too busy to argue with one another.
It seems I’m not the only one out of shape. I caught Squid huffing and puffing from running up the stairs. He is thirty, so I suppose he’s no spring chicken, anymore. He got to the top step and mumbled something about his two legs being tired. “You’ve got ten, what’s the problem?” I said.
I would like to know why someone thought it necessary to invent a $370 light bulb that pipes music through built-in speakers. And, how many dim-bulbs do they think they’re going to sell it to? Really. Some people can’t stand money burning a hole in their pocket too long. Maybe they should try stuffing one of these bulbs in their pocket. This way, they'd see as soon as they were a little light on cash.