I’d say I’m back to normal now except there are those who might take exception with any definition that would assign me the term normal. For awhile I was wondering what normal used to feel like. The medicine that made me loopy and sleepy is over, and so is the antibiotic. While I await the results of further testing, I am considering myself cured.

Things are also back to normal here, which means we have returned to slinging insults. We have a new employee working at the front desk during the day. I have not as yet assigned a name to her, but hot tamale comes to mind. She’s a real looker…ask Confidante’s seven year old son. He dropped me like a hot potato Sunday when the new girl came to work. Was I insulted? Well...YES. Okay, so he’s seven…short attention span, whatever. Did SHE play with him for four hours, though? NO. She didn’t have to. I think it
was her boobs… and, her hair. And, the fact that she’s 21 and very pretty. It seems like boys are maturing and getting more observant earlier than they used to. I’m glad now that I didn’t let him win at pool.

So, did you honestly think that buttering us up at the front desk with your chumminess was going to get you out of paying a fine for sneaking smoking in your room; like sticking your butts in a bottle was going to save you. I guess the signs all over the hotel didn’t pertain to you. You’re special, right? 

We’re entering into our slow week with Thanksgiving and all, but we’re booked solid already for New Year’s Eve. Last year was a blast here. This year promises to be just as

Already the street is lit with white Christmas lights in the trees and stores. I think it’s pushing it a little, but with the recession and all, I guess folks needed a jump on enjoying the festiveness of the season. Now that I think of it, I used to start decorating for the Holidays the day after Thanksgiving, so I guess a week earlier isn’t such a big deal. 

The Chef has been on a roll with expanding his culinary skills. Every night there are different specials at the bar. I can’t seem to get away from the wings. I miss the crab cakes. Apparently, I was the only one ordering them, and God only knows, I have no sway

I’ve been here so long I’ve earned VIP status. I have no idea what that means, but I do know no one’s going to bring me breakfast in bed now. Nor, am I going to see any crab cakes. I guess it stands for Very Ignored Person.

You know I have to be down for the count if I’m too sick to even write. Never try to self medicate when you’ve been dealing with a medical problem that’s only getting worse. You have a fool for a patient. Yet, that’s what I did for two months trying to figure out what was wrong through the process of elimination. I finally hollered uncle and went to the
doctor. Now I’m dealing with the side effects of a bad infection, as well as a brain freeze from all the medication. I feel like three of Snow White’s seven dwarfs: Sleepy, Dopey and Grumpy. So, I’m going to make this short just to let you know the 411 guest may be out of commission for a few more days. 

I’m not even sure whose head I’m wearing. All I know is it sure doesn’t feel like mine. I wish I could stop yawning. Confidante and Squid have been enjoying the time off from hearing me yammer. The sad thing is I don’t know what’s been going on around here, unless it’s happening in the rooms next to me. The hotel has been full for the past week and that means a lot of noise. That also means if I allow myself to be surrounded by it, I’m gonna short circuit, so I’ve decided to stay in my room where it’s quiet. 

You’d think I’d of gotten a lot of work done this past week being housebound wouldn’t you? I feel kind of guilty about that. Things happen for a reason, so maybe this was Nature’s way of forcing me to take a break. I’d have rather gone somewhere warm and sunny if I’d been consulted first. But then, nobody asked me. So, I’ll just stay where I am and watch the few remaining leaves fall off the trees across from my window. I’ll be back…

Our lobby has been invaded. No, this time it’s not from children’s sports teams. It’s worse. Fruit flies. They’re everywhere, but the pool table, and I gotta tell you, in my book, that puts them a step ahead of the kids. The source of these little flying storm troopers has
been discovered in the bar area, and the proper steps have been taken to rid the area of their impromptu landings. Cute little paper cones have been placed through plastic wrap that covers the rim of short glasses. The glasses are filled with cider vinegar. So far, so good. Whoever doesn’t like cider vinegar gets slapped unconscious.
This has been another uneventful week at the hotel; unless you count the fruit flies and the racket from the bar downstairs. We had hoped once the cold weather descended, that the loud drunks on the sidewalk would have frozen their vocal chords. But, no. The bar installed outside heaters. The noise ascends inside little frozen bubbles and clinks against the guest room windows of the hotel like sleet. It’s a good thing the windows don’t open. I have an idea for something I’d like to drop on them. I’ve been wondering where the police presence has gone to that’s supposed to keep the sidewalk noise and motor cycles from annoying neighbors. They must leave right after the bar gives them supper.
I finally got to watch a movie in my room one night. What a production. It took Confidante’s assistance to finally find the solution. It only seemed right then, I should watch THE HELP. Great movie and soundtrack.
I’m kinda glad we’re turning the clocks back tomorrow night. Getting up in the dark has not been happening. I know I’ll have to sacrifice losing the light earlier in the evening, but at least then I’m already up. Question is am I going to be in the mood to walk in the dark to get supper. That remains to be seen. If I’m not, you know who’s gonna be losing a little