Well, this has been an interesting week. Seems only fitting it should end in our first look
at snow. Of course, since it’s been so warm, the snow isn’t actually sticking. It has made for some interesting behavior, though. Richmonders are noted for their stupid driving habits at the first hint of the white stuff. First, everyone runs out to the grocery store to prepare for famine in case of food shortages. Then, they invent some variation on driving by their own rules. Take the round-about. For some reason this fairly straightforward road pathway elicits strange behavior as confused drivers make left-handed turns before they
should, thus cutting off cars who have the right of way. When it’s snowing, even lightly, this requires driving faster, not smarter.  It’s been entertaining to watch for the past four hours.
The room with the loudspeaker wall had its weekly dose of flesh slapping against flesh. For the umpteenth time, the fountain was revisited by drunken twenty-something males who decided to test the signs warning to keep out of it. The tubing was slashed and pulled up. I am always amazed that this is immediately followed by their appearance in the lobby drenched and denying any involvement in the incident. 
Much to my disgust someone moved into the building opposite my bedroom window. I spotted the woman on her balcony smoking and looking into my window one night. I waved. I’m sure she was hoping to get lucky vicariously by viewing something of a sexual nature, but then she picked the wrong room to watch. That one would be the room to my right if you hit it on the right night.
Most people are asleep at 1:15 a.m. which is what I was doing when my phone announced that I’d received a text. Fortunately, I keep the volume low at night. At 1:15 it’s usually not good news. I turned on the light to read the message. Some girl “borrowed” her grammie’s phone to call her friends. When I texted back she had the wrong number, she wouldn’t believe me. She kept texting. I finally sent her a final text, “I do not know who you are Katrina, but stop calling me. You have the wrong number, idiot.” That seemed to make a believer out of her.
Last night was an absolute zoo in the hotel due to its being full to capacity. Living here has been an eye-opener because you get to observe human behavior at its worst. When the unexpected happens and the staff is trying to accommodate you, this is not the time to throw your imagined weight around demanding blood from someone. Working at the front desk requires the patience of a saint.

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