I was pulled in so many different directions yesterday I never had the time to post. Plus, if you don’t have anything interesting to say, have the good sense not to say anything at all.
We’ve been almost full to capacity with business people this week, and you know how serious they are. Last night there was a man and a woman eating a late dinner of Chipotle at a table in the lobby. They were working on some project throughout dinner and for another hour after that. I couldn’t help but overhear their “business speak”. I thought to myself how boring their work was since it involved working with figures and graphs. So many of the people who come through our doors fly in and out at all hours, or are always on the road. Sorry, I’d have to shoot myself if I were forced to live like that. I’m sure some of them think living in your head and writing all day and night, seven days a week must be boring too. Different strokes for different folks. 
Confidante and I played a mean game of pool late last night. Actually it was two games. Both were neck and neck to the end. He won fair and square and you know that makes him happy. I felt good because I lost fair and square. The game was a little too tame if you ask me. I didn’t even have to hit him over the head with the cue stick for acting cocky.
Can you believe employers are now refusing to hire the unemployed? Is that the most insane thing you’ve ever heard? American businesses keep hitting new lows of stupid. Considering they’ve created the situation over the past ten years by sending our jobs overseas, I say we give them a taste of their own medicine, and cut off all of their tax breaks until they bring the jobs back.
Guess who I heard from today? I got a postcard from Peeping Tom, the flying ant. It seems he caught a strong air current and wound up in the Florida Keys. With his broken wing not fully mended, he said he had a hard time stopping. Good thing he did stop before he hit the Bermuda Triangle, or we might never see him again. He’s working on a tan and plans to be back in Richmond as soon as he can afford to fly home.
Brick is on duty at the front desk tonight. Poor Brick, the strangest things happen to him when he’s on duty. The lights in the lobby went berserk and we each thought we were having a seizure. Then, some guest came to check on her group’s individual reservations and went into a long-winded explanation of how each of the men was to be called by their titles when they registered at the front desk. After she walked away, he and I just looked at each other. What does she think this is, the Vatican?
Some people have all the luck. Squid went to the beach for the day to eat himself sick with lobster. I can taste it just  thinking about it. A little drawn butter…


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