If anything of interest happened in the past three days you didn’t hear about it from me. I’ve been sequestered in my hotel room banging away at the keys to meet a deadline. The Chef commented he hadn’t seen me in a long time, nor have I mentioned him in my blog. It’s like this…when I get focused and determined to finish something, that’s all I do. I even gave up exercising. My only maintenance is food, and I even forgot about that last night. But, I made my deadline. I seem to work best under pressure. So, that’s where I’ve been: working. I’m sure glad I don’t have some dumb, boring job you want to forget as soon as you leave work. I love my job. It comes with me wherever I go. I am always thinking about characters or the action. And, when I finish working on it, it’s sad to let it go. I have to move on to the next work quickly. 
This also means I haven’t been privy to the usual goings on at the hotel, and Lord knows, there ain’t nothing goin' on in my room. The most activity this room has seen is when they brought in a new chair for me yesterday. The former chair, which is standard throughout the hotel, doesn‘t come up high enough for your arms to comfortably use a keyboard. Whoever the dimwit was that specified the finishes here didn’t think about the fact that business people have a hard time using a 36 inch high desk with a laptop, especially with a swivel chair that doesn’t elevate. After a year of typing at this desk, I’m developing carpal tunnel in my wrists because of the angle I have to keep my wrists at to strike the keys. No wonder my neck muscles are always in a bunch. My shoulders stay under my ears as I try to type. Unfortunately, even the new office chair doesn’t come up high enough. I tried sitting on a pillow, which did make a difference, but it wasn't easy hauling myself up onto it to get on the chair. Being a writer has its moments. So, does being short.
Here we are already at another weekend. I’m wondering what this weekend has in store for us. For the next week or so, we’ll have the last of the summer vacationers before it’s time to go back to school. That means the pool will be quiet afterward, the kids won’t be yelling in the halls, and the adults will be morose knowing they have such a short time left before going back to their dumb, boring job. Y’all ought to be happy you’ve got jobs and disposable income to go on a vacation. 
Okay, so I’ve never played Wii. Nor do I know what an X box is. Why would I? I have no exposure to these things. I don’t have grandchildren old enough to use them, nor are my own children young enough to want to. It’s not like there’s any in the hotel. Besides, I don’t even watch TV anymore. I’m never bored. I just find more interesting entertainment. And, it doesn’t even come with a price. Heck, most days I don’t even have the time to check my email or Facebook. So, Squid it has nothing to do with the fact that they didn’t have these things in the Jurassic Age. Back then, we played with real flying creatures and got exercise running from raptors. We hit rocks with clubs to play our own version of baseball, and we didn’t need a screen on which to play a virtual game. We had the real deal. Wii that.

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