It's not even Halloween yet, and already it’s cold enough to snow. I guess Mother Nature figured if we can jump the gun with Christmas decorations in September, she can do it too. Now that it starts to get dark at 6:15 p.m. add a cold and rainy day on top of that, and it’s downright nasty. This is definitely not a mood picker-upper. 
The lobby desk is the only place you’ll find a hint of Halloween in the hotel. Confidante is surrounded by an assortment of pastel-colored fedoras, colorful masks and some kind of plastic glasses with horizontal slats, all sitting on the desk. I’m supposed to remember who wore these, but I don’t. So, sue me. They even have Halloween candy to give out. Right. You and I both know those candy bars are gonna head right onto the hips of the front desk girls, not in some little trick or treater’s bag, especially since they can’t even find their way into the lobby. I swiped one of the masks. It’s my favorite color: purple. I may just wear it to spite Confidante after his annoying insult after I put it on.
What is it about men and car parts? I mean, when a woman does her own research on how something is supposed to work, and then asks for advice on what would be the best and least expensive option to getting it fixed, why incite a riot because she just didn’t go with the first option mentioned? Getting more options is all part of the research. Then we can make an informed decision. See, this is why men should stick to cars and the yard, and let us handle everything else. If you’re not going to accept the way we solve problems, then don’t criticize. So, there.
You know I’ve been here too long when former employees come back and I’m still here. Sorry. I just finished my tour of duty with the book that required me to be here. Frankly, I’m looking forward to cooking for myself again before the chef at WFG does me in with his penchant for raw onions in every salad bar item, and for the use of hot chilis or cayenne pepper in his main entrees. We could use a little variety folks.
What do Harry Houdini, Mohammar Ghadafi, and one of the two computers on the front desk have in common? They all died from a blow to their guts. In my opinion, the computer just got tired. They never give it a rest. Confidante saw it coming first. He thinks it’s a virus. I think it was suicide.
Is that sleet I hear on the window? It better not be. Don’t make me get up tomorrow and find out I missed fall this year. I still have the colorful fall foliage to take in yet. There’s plenty of time for winter to come, so keep your distance Jack.

1/25/2012 04:37:11 pm

will come back shortly


Thank you for data

3/26/2012 09:33:29 am

good post

5/14/2012 04:58:02 pm

Great info, thanks

9/24/2012 08:53:28 am

Great info, thx


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