Thanks to Indigo who works at a hotel and loves my blog.

It’s a wrap folks. I’m done with the final draft of my manuscript. So, until someone buys it, and an editor tells me something different, I’m going to concentrate on pitching it to an agent. I’d better find someone soon, because I’m already eager to start the next one. And,
now I can return to my regular daily blogging. That’s my intention anyway.
I decided I deserved a decent meal for supper after ten months of working seven days a week writing, so I stopped for a take out of spaghetti and meatballs with mushrooms. I’ve often wondered why a treat for me has to be so fattening. What I REALLY wanted for supper was three scoops of chocolate ice cream. I’ve done this before, so I know what I’m talking about. Ice cream isn’t really food, so it doesn’t count. Unfortunately, spaghetti does. So, I only ate half of it. I’m thinking if I run in my sleep I can work it off before it does any damage.
I got back to the lobby after getting dinner and walked into a wedding planning event. Back in the day, we didn’t use wedding planners and everything turned out okay. As a matter of fact, it was usually done while you were in the throes of getting ready to graduate college, taking final exams and looking for a job. Maybe today’s brides don’t have time to do the running around. Anyway, I didn’t need to attend the event seeing as how I’ve already done it once. 
The Chef started the day off with a bang. I was rounding the corner on my way to the gym when I heard what sounded like a large bag of plastic utensils spilling onto the floor. Expecting to be helping him pick up a thousand forks, I retraced my steps to find one of the breakfast area’s sneeze guards on the floor in pieces.  It had shattered into a million shards of glass, impossible to pick up without a broom and dust pan. He already had the broom. So, I left.
Today was a dreary day of pouring rain. We really didn’t need any more rain after the hurricane. So, I’m hoping this all counts for surplus, as in we don’t have to worry about a drought next year. At least the trees didn’t die prematurely this year, unless you count the ones that blew over in the hurricane.   
This weekend we’re going to be full of parents for one of the local university parents’weekend celebrations. They’re gonna be SOL if it rains for the football game, and the rain is supposed to continue until Tuesday. Oh, well, there are worse things that could happen. They could all be stuck in the hotel lobby with no power or air conditioning, and fifty smelly dogs. I’m just saying.

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