You should have been a fly on the wall last night. Mr. Pool played Confidante seven games in a row in one of their most entertaining sets yet. Mr. Pool was thrilled to announce victory every time he won a game, even though the only reason he won half of them was because Confidante accidentally sunk the eight ball. Confidante argued he GAVE Mr. Pool the game. Mr. Pool insisted it didn’t matter, he still won. Keep in mind, earning the win by playing skillfully means more to Confidante than winning it on a technicality. I had to keep dodging missiles and moving my seat just to avoid getting beaned by balls angrily flying off the table. And, they call women testy. Insulting allusions to each other’s pool skills were not the only barbs exchanged. They did an hour long Cheech and Chong monologue that had me laughing so hard my stomach muscles cramped up. I used to call Confidante Mr. NightQuil because he’d keep me laughing so hard playing pool I'd sleep like a rock at night. Maybe I should call the two of them the Ambien twins, cure for insomnia.
Last night two nearly comatose and frustrated women walked into the hotel after driving lost for hours.  Apparently, in her sleepy state, the driver misplaced her key ring before she went to bed. They were supposed to check out of the hotel this morning. After inquiring at the front desk if anyone had found the keys, which no one had, the driver feared she had dropped them in the trunk. A lock smith was called to break into her Mercedes. I happened to appear in the parking deck as the drama unfolded. I thought of several places they might try looking in the room where sneaky keys could hide undetected. I did tell the driver that things often happen for a reason. The delay might well have saved their lives from being involved in an accident had they left when they originally intended. You just never know. They both said the thought had already occurred to them too. Unfortunately, when the locksmith sprung the lock, the keys were not inside the trunk. As I left to run my errands, they went back into the hotel to search their room again. Later, I returned to find two very relieved women. The keys had been found cradled in the well of the luggage handle. They salvaged the rest of the day and evening with a tour of our River City. Don’t you just love happy endings?
And, on that note, I’m happy to end it here tonight.             


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