She checked into the room with the loudspeaker wall late one afternoon. After making a phone call I heard her leave the room. A few hours later, she returned and closed the window shades. I know this because they’re on a clanging chain that could wake the dead when you pull on them. I had the TV on at the time, when not a minute later I heard what sounded like moaning. My first impression was of someone sitting on the bed rocking back and forth in anguish. Then the moaning got louder. I lowered the volume on the TV. Was she upset; in trouble? Suddenly, it hit me. She was…you know. Since I normally hear couples talking to each other I assumed she was alone. You could tell she was really enjoying her own company, if that’s what she was doing. She was so vocal I started to laugh. I had to share this with someone so I called Confidante, only his phone was off. When she began screaming F…M… at the top of her lungs I almost applauded. Then it ended. That’s when I realized she wasn’t alone, after all. He must have been so occupied… he was speechless. A few minutes later I heard the shower going, then the door open and close. I wonder if he was making a house call.
I’ve been writing this blog for almost a year now. Just as I was beginning to think no one was reading it and I slacked off, lo and behold I started getting comments. My bad. To all who were kind enough to post a comment saying how much you enjoy it, thank you. It’s always nice to know you’re not just talking to yourself.
There’s something about winter that turns me and a lot of other light seekers into hibernating cave dwellers. I’ve already complained about the outdated ritual of turning the clocks back in fall considering we’re no longer an agrarian culture. I crave light and long hours of daylight. So, it’s not really laziness behind my lack of energy in the disgraceful absence of my postings this past month. When it gets dark by five-ish, I’m in serious trouble. I eat supper, finish what I was working on and I’m done for the night. They’ve gotten used to not seeing me downstairs after 7 p.m., especially since I don’t have anyone to play pool with anymore. But, you know what, I’ve discovered absence really does make the heart grow fonder. When you’re no longer a fixture, people start asking for you. Hmm.
I hate re-inventing the wheel. When I don’t have the proper software to do something and I have to waste my time wracking my brain to find ways to over-come it using what I do have, it’s frustrating. I designed a book jacket for the mystery novel I’m ready to publish. I know how I want it to look. I do not have the time or the desire to learn Photoshop for one cover. Argghhhh. I’ll let y’all know when the book is out, with or without my cover.   

Jim Flowers
2/2/2012 11:39:11 am

Let me have your cover ideas and if something clicks, I'll put it together for you.

Stay at it!


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