I can’t help it that I just happen to be in the right place at the right time. People just tell me things. I’m also detail oriented and remember what I see and hear. So this is the reason why I sometimes know more of what’s going on than the majority of employees at the hotel. And, if they’d be a little more observant and ask questions, they could have their own blog too. I’m just saying. I don’t need to live in Missouri. We have enough wind
at this hotel to cause as much destruction as a tornado. 
We had a full house this past weekend and I never heard a lick of noise; until last night. Forget what I said about women being louder than men. Someone checked in an anomaly through the loudspeaker wall last night. Mr. Anomaly’s voice carried across three rooms and down the hall. He was responsible for my staying up late to finish yesterday’s blog, and be able to have it posted before midnight. Why oh why, do some people insist on using the speaker phone late at night in a hotel? This is not your office and no one is interested in your friggin conversation.
The chef here has great plans for the hotel’s food service. He plans on expanding the menus already mentioned in previous blogs. He tells me he wants to attract people from surrounding areas, not just guests at this hotel. So, I guess that begs the question: How’s he going get them in, if they don’t know where the hotel is? I’m thinking he should put a GPS chip in the menu booklets so folks can just home in. If the reception desk has to field any more questions for directions due to an increase in phone calls for food service, someone’s going to need protection from the front desk.
Stupid is as stupid does. This morning I decided to resume working out on the weight machine. Squid came into the gym as I was pulling down on forty pounds, and I turned around to see who it was. It didn’t hit me until I was in the grocery store later in the day. At first, I thought it was from typing for several hours. My neck muscles felt like someone had put me on the rack and then forgot about me. Then I remembered the weight machine. Unfortunately, I had purchased four bags worth of groceries which included several heavy water bottles. I say unfortunately because I had walked to the store. My neck still feels like whiplash. I suppose I’ll need a doctor’s note to give to the treadmill and elliptical machine or they’ll be sending someone to fetch me in the morning.

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