I was remembering today what a nice early Saturday morning I had having coffee with Dave. I’ve been out on the patio in late afternoons and mostly at night, but I’d never been in the morning. We had coffee out there about 9 a.m. and it was like a whole different place. I felt like I was on a vacation. It just goes to show you how varying your environment just a little can give you a whole new slant on things. It was such a peaceful way to start my day. And, as you already know, it got even better with the birthday party for Squid.

Last night Confidante and I played pool. He seemed to have the need to work off some steam by taking it out on the pool balls. Thank goodness it wasn’t me, or I’d have to type with my nose. He’s almost as competitive as Mr. Pool, and when they get that way…well, I just let ‘em be. He won two out of three games, but in actuality, he won all three. The middle one was by default, so I didn’t count it. I don’t like playing by what in my estimation are stupid rules, so when you call a pocket but it goes in another, you’re not supposed to count it. When it happens on the eight ball…  Never mind. In my mind, he won all three.

Did I have a great morning in the gym, or what? I did everything: elliptical machine for a half hour, Pilates with 200 squats, lifted weights and did my stretches. Tomorrow I will be lying in bed waiting for someone to bring the crane.  Such is the price you pay when you think you’re thirty.
You would think living in a hotel would free me from the pile of junk mail usually sent to home mailboxes, wouldn’t you? How did I get on so many mailing lists, is what I want to know. Do these companies realize their profits might be a tad higher if they stopped using snail mail and just stuck with internet advertising and catalogs? I don’t want your paper catalog. I have no place to keep it. Leave me alone.

I opened my door this morning and discovered both sides of the hallway lined with more “do not disturb” signs than I have ever seen since I’ve been here. They apparently descended upon us in the middle of the night, and I never heard them. How did that happen? Usually, they’re talking loudly to each other as they walk down the hall waking everyone up. I discovered the reason I didn’t hear them was because the woman on night duty told them to be quiet when they got upstairs. The way they were behaving in the lobby, she knew what would happen when they got off the elevator. THANK YOU. I hope you get a big, fat raise because you’re the first desk person to remind new guests they’re expected to be considerate of those already asleep. Now if we could just get those darn motorcycles to be quiet…

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