Woody Allen is a creative genius. I went to see Midnight in Paris today. I LOVED it. The movie made me want to move back to Europe. I would highly recommend it to anyone who feels stuck in a time warp searching for their very own Belle Epoch. Imagine meeting and being able to spend time with all the twentieth century greats in literature and the arts. I've often felt I belonged in another era. Except whenever I do think that, I do have to remind myself indoor plumbing is so much more convenient. I’m not going to ruin the movie for anyone. Go see it.

I seem to have concentrated my free time on going to the movies these past few days. I’ve made up for all the times I didn’t go to see something I wanted to see while it was still in the theaters. It’s good to get out of the hotel once and a while to do something fun. I do think writing is fun, but it keeps your butt in one place too long. Last night I visited with Dave a.k.a. Chappell and his family for movie night. He could start his own movie rental
business with all the DVDs he has.  Squid and I are still lamenting about the end of the Harry Potter series. He insists had they retained everything they left out of the books, he would have had no problem sitting through a five hour movie. Just think of the cost, Squid. Besides, I know I couldn’t sit that long without two bathroom breaks.  
There’s a downside to leaving the hotel to do something for fun; coming back and having to find a place to park. I’m not used to having to park on another level on the hotel parking deck. The hotel has remained booked to capacity most nights. Plus, it seems more nights than not, there’s an event going on in the lobby/bar area. I haven’t played pool in at least a week; with anyone. Confidante gets back from vacation soon. I bet he comes back with a great tan.
I’ve decided the reason I’m losing steam in the gym is because I’m bored doing the same routine. It’s too hot and humid to walk outside for me. Maybe I’m just a fall/winter/spring kind of fitness buff. I’d rather be out of doors walking or hiking. Hell at this point, raking leaves or mowing the lawn looks entertaining. Today, I had to force myself to stay on the 
elliptical machine for a half hour. When you think about the fact that you only use up roughly 200 calories, more or less, doing something that’s not even fun, it makes you think twice about ever eating again. I’m just saying.
There’s a field hockey team of girls currently at the hotel. I wish they’d work off their energy doing something other than squealing like stuck pigs and yelling through doors. Why can’t they find more quiet vehicles like reading or arm wrestling, or playing chess, or…       

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