In case you were wondering where my post was yesterday, we had a slight problem with the weather: a severe thunderstorm, high winds, rain and something about a pesky little tornado warning. I watched a heavy black wall of clouds lit up with lightning strikes pass very slowly in front of a series of fast moving clouds heading north. That’s when I decided to grab my laptop and pack it up…just in case.

After seeing the devastation created from the severe storms and tornadoes across the South last night and this morning it did give me pause over the timing of my departure for a trip up I95 North. I was heading right into it so I decided to wait until 11a.m. before leaving. I timed it perfectly. The wind and rain weren't the problems; the tractor trailers were. I wish the tanker who kept tailgating every car in front of it, including mine, had not blacked out part of the phone number on the rear of his tank… that would be the phone number you were to call to answer the question, “how’s my driving?” because I want your company to know you deserve to lose your license as well as your job before you cause someone to lose their life. You stupid idiot.

This is race weekend in Richmond and the hotel’s occupancy is full. I’m glad my
daughter picked this weekend for me to babysit my grand dog. Things get crazy
around here during race weekends. After drinking at the race all day, folks
return at night a lot louder than they were before they left. I wish I could get
into enjoying sitting all day in the hot sun “enjoying”a race, but I can’t. Not
to mention the noise. I’m more of an indoor spectator. No lines for the bathroom
and I get to relax in air conditioned comfort.

I have determined that commercial toilet paper dispensers were invented by someone who used them infrequently. Need I suggest which gender that might be? Have you ever noticed how frequently the toilet paper rolls are installed incorrectly so that both paper rolls come out at the same time? Also, when the bottom roll is empty but the cardboard is still in there, it’s almost impossible to pull the paper from the top roll without using one hand to push the top roll up and away from the empty bottom roll and the other hand to pull off the paper. If the top roll has been installed with the paper coming from 
underneath, it breaks off in bits and pieces. It’s bad enough women are trying to maintain their balance as they squat over the toilet gentlemen. Forcing us  into additional calisthenics by reaching forward and to the side to rip off a section of paper is not only awkward, it’s just wrong on so many levels.

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