I left the hotel I live in to go to an apartment for the weekend.
And, I’m thinking how weird this feels. I don’t know why, but it does. I’ve gotten
used to the “dorm-like” atmosphere of the hotel where companionship abounds. How
did I ever live in an apartment before? 
Stupid is as stupid does and I’m glad I bought my hair products and then
left them in the closet at the hotel. Figures, since I got my hair cut short the
day before I left and I needed them to give it volume. In all this wind I
suppose I’m already getting enough volume.
I had a tug of war with my grand dog today. It was slightly embarrassing
too. She was determined to drag me across several lanes of a busy city street,
where I have no idea where she was taking me, and I’m tugging her to go back in
the direction from which we came. I was afraid she’d break the leash. There I am having an arguement with a dog in the middle of the sidewalk. Do I trust she knows where she’s going? Maybe she did. Who knows? I’m the grandma and I say we go the other way.
I managed to have a productive day in spite of getting up early to watch
the Royal wedding. I wanted to go right out and buy a fancy hat, although I have
no idea where I’d wear it. Maybe I could wear it while I exercise in the
Speaking of which, my exercise routine is going to need some adjusting.
It seems it’s not enough to do cardio, weights and stretching. You also have to
do them without getting shin splints, IT band problems (whatever that is)
sciatica, and hip problems. Apparently, you have to get your muscles taut, your
joints loosened, and your spine flexible enough before you cause injury to the very things you’re trying to get in shape in the first place to be able to be taut, loose and flexible. I didn’t understand what I just said, either.
Will the guest who stole the scale from the hotel gym along with the eight pound weight ball please return them. We know you’ve hidden them in your room. The cameras in the hallway caught you sneaking into the gym at 2 a.m. The joke’s on you. The scale was off
five pounds so you didn’t really see the results you thought you had from throwing a silly eight pound ball around. I need the ball back. I was using it to keep the mat from curling up.
After being open almost two years, the hotel finally supplied each room with an ice bucket. Unfortunately, there are no ice machines on any of the floors, which means, you still have to haul yourself downstairs to the lobby to ask for a bag of ice. Go figure.

For those of us with more important concerns, we now sport two huge coffee urns and another for hot water during breakfast. I no longer have to be downstairs by 7:30 to get my caffeine fix like I did before the former and smaller urns ran out. Even the coffee beans taste better. AND, we have those cute little non-dairy creamers in hazelnut, amaretto and Irish coffee. I tell you—mornings don’t get any better than this.  And, it’s free!

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