I only managed to get in one game of pool after returning from a meeting last night. Plus, I was starving. Our chef made me two crab cake sliders with aioli sauce which hit the spot; that and a glass of Merlot. This was after I won at pool, and the win was a technicality win.
Confidante, who had stopped by because he loves this place so much, sunk the eight ball right into the pocket just like he intended it; which of course he hadn’t. 
Remember that great workout I had yesterday? They had to send the crane to get me out of bed this morning. Since I had worked every muscle group I own, I had to take today off to let them recover. This begs the question, why then, did I bother to go so hard one day and then not be able to workout the next day? Well, I have no answer for that. Except that now I’m feeling really guilty for not exercising this morning. My muscles have fully recovered by late afternoon, only I’m too busy/lazy/not in the mood to take another shower-- to exercise. 
I sure take a lot of good natured abuse from the guys here. Yesterday, Squid decided to give me a new hairdo. I no longer wonder how I’d look with a Mohawk. Today, Confidante sketched me first as a female, then a male with a mustache and long sideburns, then added color. I think the mustache has possibilities, and I will keep it in mind for the future when I run out of estrogen.
Last night at a writer’s meeting, I learned all about the importance of social media networking. So, today I added Hootsuite to my other duties. I also received confirmation about a question I’ve often asked. Where do these people find the time to be productive at writing, having a job, home and having a life if they’re occupied on the internet doing this stuff all day/? AHA!! I knew it. They don’t. They’re not as productive. How could they be when they’re following 300 people on Twitter, writing a blog, posting on Facebook, writing a book or articles, and throwing in a job on top of all that? Squid may call me a
dinosaur, but at least I can remember when verbal communication worked just fine, and we didn’t die as a nation if we weren’t in everybody else’s business 24 hours a day. I’m just saying.

We’ve got three new bartenders at the hotel; two women and a man. Last
night we were unusually busy for a Thursday night at the bar and I’m wondering
what’s going on. I rarely stop by for a drink, even though I get one for free
because of my membership status. If I do get one, I usually bring it up to my
room and have it with supper. Last night, three of my friends sat around as I
ate, and it all felt right; just like

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