I know someone out there’s going to find this amusing. Last night’s wine woke me at 4:30 a.m. to let me know an elephant was sitting on my stomach. I was certain that’s what it was until I remembered all that spaghetti I ate. So, I’m still down about 8 hours of sleep between the previous two nights. And, I’m up a good two pounds.
Last night I decided I should drink more. My blog was twice as long as normal. So, that’s how Hemingway did it. He was so involved in drinking and writing he didn’t even notice his cats were busy multiplying like crazy. No wonder they had extra toes. All that sex messed up their gene pool. I don’t have any cats, just other guests as neighbors. Most of them are doing the same thing. I mean to say, they’re drinking and multiplying, not
I am not looking forward to tomorrow morning. I will have to face the music and get in the gym. I feel like I’m getting nowhere fast with losing the rest of the weight I planned on losing. The problem is every time I reach my desired goal, I re-set it. This is why I still haven’t lost the twenty pounds I gained from when I had my last child. She’s now 36. What the world needs is an invention that will work off your fat as you sit at a computer banging away at the keyboard all day. Maybe an attachable belt for your tummy that plugs into an electrified chair, and a heated fat-melting cushion for the seat would work. This is something I would pay for because I’d rather be writing first thing in the morning, rather than exercising on the elliptical machine. An invention like this would allow me to kill two birds with one stone. Or, kill myself in case of a short. Unlike many people, I do not live to exercise. I don’t even like the thought of sweating in a state of exhaustion. It’s boring when you get stuck doing it inside. Right now, it’s too hot and humid to exercise outdoors. I just had another idea: body suits that retain your body heat, so that in this  weather your fat will be melting as you walk. Maybe they only need the fat melting fabric in certain areas. I’ll have to look into this.


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