My life seems to get stranger and stranger. What I mean is, I keep attracting stuff like weird energy and people who’ve already shown up in my writing. Maybe it’s because people find me easy to talk to. They tell me things they normally wouldn’t broadcast to just anybody. I guess I should take that as a compliment, but I swear some of the stuff I’m
privy to is pretty unbelievable. The frustrating thing is that the 411 guest can’t even share the information. Oh, well I guess I’ll just have to stick with what I can.
The hotel was booked solid both Friday and Saturday nights. We haven’t had a weekend this noisy in a long time. First, there was the boys’ hockey team that flooded the lobby with the antics of twenty 10 year-old boys hyped up on sugar. Loud doesn’t do what happened justice. They pounced on every square inch of the lobby like flies on a dropped ice cream cone. They had pillow fights. They dueled with the pool cue sticks. They took over the one remaining computer and outdid each other with screaming. They ran circles around the desk chasing each other. I thought Confidante’s head was going to rotate off. My patience quickly evaporated, especially when they glommed all over the pool table with
drinks in hand. Now you know we just had that re-felted. Where were the adults? Oh, come on. You know they were all at the bar. The kids were supposed to go to bed at ten, but the adults weren’t paying any attention. At something to eleven, Confidante couldn’t take it anymore. Neither could I. I left him with the carnage and went to bed myself. Nobody has to tell me when to go.
There were twenty or so sixteen year-old girls all dressed up in black that twice glided through the lobby in sync and single-file like a caterpillar chorus line. We had a dog fight here and there. And, if one more person asked for ice, I was gonna scream. The piéce de resistance was the restaurant-bar below us that blared their music so loud no one could get any sleep until after they closed at 2 a.m. 
Sunday I needed to recharge my batteries in the good old outdoors. I spent a few hours walking in the woods and sitting by a lake. The smell of pine trees was intoxicating. The only noise came from the ducks, and since I was visiting their home, there wasn’t much I could say. Nor, did I want to. I just enjoyed the quiet and the sunshine. I figured I was due.

1/25/2012 01:07:57 pm

good post

3/23/2012 04:40:26 pm

Thank you for data

3/29/2012 08:12:59 am

nice post

6/12/2012 07:52:16 pm

nice post

9/29/2012 08:59:17 pm

Appreciate your info


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