Yesterday, The Chef ended the day with a bang as well, but not in the same way his day had started. The event was still going on in the lobby when we heard a familiarly sounding crash. It was another stupid-something drunken male from another bar who felt the Please Do Not Touch signs all over the fountain were not meant for him. He decided to test the
waters and fell in taking the plastic tubing with him. Feeling he needed solace, his two older male companions picked him up to bring him to our bar for more alcohol. Fortunately, The Chef happened to witness the carnage and confronted them. I tried to explain how it was an all day job to rethread the plastic tubing in the ceiling. Then I realized I was trying to reason with another hemorrhoid who was too drunk to care. When the oldest of the trio decided his frequent patronage of our bar entitled him to call the shots, he proceeded to tell the young female desk clerk how she was going to handle it. I told her to call the police. He told me to shut up b--ch and F.Y. I smiled and told him to do the same. What is it with these guys? Instead of accepting responsibility for their actions, they exert their ‘manliness’ by mouthing off at women. The 411 guest stood her ground smiling. The Chef told them to leave. It was just another night of fun at the o.k. corral. I guess the hotel eats another one.
Going to bed didn’t exactly improve my evening. At midnight, a Lovey and Deary couple needing a room for the night, burst into the loud speaker room next to me, laughing and giggling. At first, I thought it was little kids until… that’s when I realized these were horny adults. I mean come on. This is the same room where I can hear people chewing gum. I calmly got up and put in my MP3 player’s ear buds. Unfortunately, the juice was low in the battery and I knew the music wouldn’t last the night. Apparently, THEIR juice was plentiful, and it did last all night. Just my luck, she was a screamer too. I recognized his loud
mouth because he’s been here before with different women. He must ask for the same room. Maybe he thinks it’s a good luck charm. I’d been concerned they weren’t getting along when I overheard her getting spanked. Apparently she didn’t need rescuing because about 2:00 a.m. they put on a funny movie. They fell asleep laughing somewhere around 3:30-4 a.m.  However, I did not. I know this because it was about that time that I gave serious thought to shooting myself.
Not even two cups of coffee were enough to clear the fog from my brain this morning. That is until I looked across the street, and saw a man leaning over a balcony in a blaze orange shirt. It so happened to match the color of a parking cone beside a nearby FIOS truck. Whoa. Good grief. Why would someone think they looked good in that?
By 4 p.m. I had worked myself up into a good funk. This is not the time to jerk my chain. When I have gone without sleep, it allows all the little monsters hidden inside me to rise to the top like cream. They lurk there until someone decides to jerk my chain, and then they escape. Ask Confidante.


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