Tomorrow is the day I’ve worked all year for: my pitch to the agent. I’ve gone over the pitch so many times I now run the risk of forgetting everything. My mind will do that; go blank, so I will let it rest. Nothing else is gonna sell it like my enthusiasm for it anyway. I’ve spent the day trying to relax and not think about anything stressful. I’m psyched.
Bring it on.
Yesterday I spent tackling stuff that I’ve procrastinated about doing because I had other more pressing priorities, like finishing the manuscript and then the pitch. I found the response to my high school reunion that required me filling out a form that also wanted to know what I’ve done with my life. I wasn’t in the mood for writing a memoir at the time, so I put it aside. Now I discover that since I’m not going to the reunion I didn’t have to write anything. So, I could have sent it months ago. My bad.
This is also the time of year when my sap rises, so to speak. There’s something invigorating about the crispness in the air that makes me want to run off to a B&B in the mountains or an after season beach cottage. I’m seeing a fireplace and someone special to snuggle with, and then… Then, I’m rudely awakened by one of the reasons I’m still single: a loud, high pitched yawn, not quite intended for the frequencies of this planet; or the sound of a trumpet blowing nose on the other side of the wall. Dear ladies, how did I inherit your man who cannot wake up in the morning to the five minute alarm sounding right next to his ear that has no trouble waking me? Why does he let it go on for five
minutes, then hit the snooze alarm again so he can reap five more? You have trained him badly. Why did you have to send him to me? Please get his nose fixed. He not only snores, but he blows it so loud my windows rattle. His first night here I heard him talking to you on the speaker phone until 1:30 a.m. No wonder he couldn’t get up the next morning. I got up. I had to because even though he slept through his alarm, it worked on me. Well, tonight I need to get to bed really early because I have to get up before dawn. If he keeps me awake again, it’s going to get ugly.
Forget I ever said anything about the geese being gone. I was almost run over by them flying in formation while getting ready to land at their resting grounds. Their euphonious racket scared the beejeesus out of me as they came up behind me unexpectedly. They must have been out searching for food. I noticed a couple of them carrying bags from Whole Foods.
Because I’ll be gone for the next few days at my writers’ conference, I won’t be blogging. I’ll catch up with you in a few days. Til then, stay happy.

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